State Department of Agriculture Program:  Maine
The DACF helps guide Maine’s 21st-century natural resource economy by supporting the creation of new jobs and businesses, improving and supporting existing land-based industries and streamlining regulations. We strive to provide excellent customer service and we facilitate a team approach to land-use planning, conservation efforts and economic activity. Our professionals work each day to strengthen the base of scientific research and information for effective decision-making.

Maine Made: This site is managed by the State of Maine Made Made Program which builds recognition for Maine products, their producers, and Maine industries. Over 2,000 Maine companies offer a wealth of items created from wood, granite, field and farm.

Core Customers:  Retail
Maine is home to a number of important retail  and food service customers who are ideal to look at for distribution.  These include LL Bean Stores, Big Apple Stores, VIP Auto Parts, Pine State Trading, CN Brown, RH Reny, Hannaford Bros, Associated Grocers, American Skiing Co, Olympia Sport Centers, Ground Round, O’Naturals, Amato’s, Next Generation Vending, etc.